BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN – Acclaimed British soul singer Joss Stone charmed audiences with a 15-song set Monday night, as part of the British High Commission’s Charity Gala Evening.

The singer was in the sultanate as part of her “Total World Tour”, which will see her travel to all 193 UN registered countries — the first singer in the world to do so.

“I want to show people the immense amount of good work and creativity that is happening all over the world and to encourage others to take responsibility for helping to solve the worlds many social and environmental issues,” Stone said.

British Soul Sensation Joss Stone performed at a Charity Gala Evening on Monday night benefiting the Children’s Cancer Foundation (YASKA). Photo: Rafidah Hamit/The Scoop

Music is a universal language, and no single country or person is more important than another, the singer added.

The tour began in 2013, with Brunei being the 171st stop.

British singer Joss Stone (L) meets the Second Minister of Finance and Economy (C) backstage at a charity gala held at the JIS Arts Centre on Feb 25, 2019. Photo: Courtesy of the British High Commission

Monday’s concert at the Jerudong International School Arts Centre saw Stone perform alongside local acts Syasya Sahira, Amin Nordin and Naqibah Fadzil.

Local entertainers Syasya Sahira, Amin Nordin and Naqibah Fadzil backstage at the JIS Arts Centre. Photo: Courtesy of the British High Commission

One of the aims of the tour is also to help promote the musical culture of each country by collaborating with talented musicians and artists.

The soul singer chose to perform a duet with the Bruneian songstress Syasya, singing her original song, Ingkar.

British singer Joss Stone pays a visit to the Children’s Cancer Foundation, a local charity. Photo: Courtesy of the British High Commission

Proceeds from the concert will go to the Children’s Cancer Foundation (YASKA), which aims to provide support for children with cancer and their families.

The event was managed by Relentless Entertainment.