A member of the Legislative Council (LegCo) has proposedĀ  a tax on alcoholic beverages brought into Brunei with a legal permit.

YB Ong Tiong Oh said theĀ funds collected could help recoup the operations costs of inspections conducted by law enforcement at the border control post.

“These operations conducted by the enforcers, although necessary, are a drain in government’s expenses,” YB Ong told Second Finance Minister YB Dato Seri Paduka Dr Hj Mohd Amin Liew Abdullah, adding that the taxation could open up a new revenue stream for the state, considering the high volume of people crossing the border.

In his response, YB Dato Dr Hj Mohd Amin lauded YB Ong’s suggestion and said that the ministry will look into the viability of the measure.

Although the sale of alcohol is banned in Brunei, customs regulations allows non-Muslims to bring in two litres of spirits or wine and twelve cans of beer every 48 hours. Alcoholic beverages must be declared to the customs authorities on arrival and are to be consumed in private.