BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN – Datastream Digital (DST) has launched its data exchange platform InnoConnect, allowing app developers to share their content in real-time.

The telco said the platform aims to improve service delivery, avoid duplication and make better use of data.

The platform also seeks to gather various stakeholders and promote partnership opportunities for co-creation of products and services with DST.

Vice president of DST Digital & Innovation Andy Lai Boon Ho said InnoConnect is meant for the developer community to share their work for collaboration projects.

The platform complements DST’s Innovation Lab, which aims to help students, businesses and government bodies develop and execute their concepts.

“InnoLab is running programmes right now, so we empower the front-end developers to create and connect to InnoConnect.

“From there, they can make use of their innovation and build some powerful apps that we might have missed. We want to provide agility to front-end developers including ourselves at DST,” Lai told The Scoop.

He said a potential application from InnoConnect is the possibility of linking an e-Darussalam account with other government services.

It is able to transform how individuals, business and service providers interact with one another, making it easier to reach out to Bruneians.

In a statement, DST said InnoConnect is a “modular, easy-to-use and secure data exchange platform that forms a core component in the telco’s journey towards digital transformation”.

It added that InnoConnect would enable “seamless connectivity, interoperability and portability” to support public and private sector services.

Developers who are interested in InnoConnect can register with DST Digital Business, where they would then have their own application programming interface (API) account to help them create software.